Offer Agreement

Public offer


The following text is an agreement between the online store, the site of which is located on the Internet at , hereinafter referred to as "Online Store", and the user of the online store, hereinafter referred to as "Buyer" , and determines the terms of purchase and sale of goods by the Buyer through the website of the online store. 


1. General provisions

1.1. This agreement is a public offer agreement (in accordance with Articles 633, 641 and Chapter 63 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), its terms are the same for all buyers regardless of status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur).

1.2. In case of acceptance of the terms of this agreement, ie the public offer of the Online Store, the user becomes the Buyer.


2. Terms and definitions

2.1. The online store was established in accordance with the Legislation of Ukraine, which operates a site hosted on the Internet at  

2.2.Goods - a list of products published on the website of the Online Store.

2.3. Buyer - an individual who has reached the age of eighteen, who receives information from the online store, which places orders for search, assembly and reservation of goods presented on the website of the online store, for purposes not related to business activities, or legal person / individual entrepreneur.

2.4. Order - a completed and placed application of the Buyer, addressed to the Online Store, for the search, assembly and reservation of Goods, for further redemption by the Buyer.

2.5. Site - a set of pages accessed using a web browser and software modules, combined with a single management system, located on the Internet at , and contains all the features of a public offer for search, equipment and reservation of Goods selected by the Buyer on the site.  

2.8. Personal account is a space on the Site, to which the Buyer has access, which reflects his personal information and the history of the Orders placed by him.


3. The subject of the contract

3.1. This agreement determines the order of interaction and conditions of providing the Internet store services to the Buyer, based on his desire, desire and ability to use the services of search, assembly and reservation of Goods, as well as the desire of the Online Store to provide the Buyer with the necessary information. buyer, and reserve them for further purchase by the Buyer.

3.2. The online store provides the Buyer with the following services:

3.2.1. Search, complete set and reservation of Goods on the basis of the Order made by the Buyer on the Site and confirmed by the Online Store

3.3. The online store sells and delivers the Goods using the courier delivery services specified on the online store's website on the basis of the Buyers' applications left on the Site and confirmed by the online store. The prices for the Goods indicated on the Site include the cost of services of search, complete set and reservation and delivery of the Buyers' goods, unless otherwise specified in the confirmation of the Order.

3.4. The Buyer agrees with the terms of this agreement at the time of ordering by clicking on the button "Confirm order", which expresses the confirmation of the Buyer to read the text of this agreement and agree to its terms. In the future, the Buyer's objection to giving its consent thus releases the Online Store from any liability for non-compliance with the terms of this agreement and reserves the right of the Online Store to cancel the Order unilaterally.


4. Rules of work with the Site

4.1. The Buyer may view the content of the Site, place an order, as well as use its other services.

4.2. Registration is required for the Buyer's access to personalized information and to provide additional opportunities to work with the Site.

4.3. At registration the Buyer enters the following data:

· First Name Last Name

· Phone number

· Email address

· Password

4.4. The buyer undertakes to provide the relevant reality, accurate and complete information about himself. The online store is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information left by the Buyer during registration and execution of the Order.

4.5. After registration on the Site, the Buyer is given access to the Personal Account.

4.6. The Buyer undertakes not to notify third parties of the access parameters specified during registration. In case the Buyer suspects unauthorized use of such parameters by third parties, the Buyer undertakes to immediately notify the Online Store by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by phone +380980178787. 

4.7. The Buyer is responsible for a specific list of actions (listed below) performed on the Site under his account and on his behalf.

4.8. The Online Store has the right to deny the Buyer the use of the Online Store services if it has grounds to believe that the Buyer has provided inaccurate data, as well as in case of dishonest behavior (for example, violation of the terms of this agreement, etc.).

4.9. It is forbidden to use the Site in illegal and prohibited activities. Online store buyers agree to abide by the laws of Ukraine and the rules of conduct adopted on the Internet, but not to disregard the laws on the placement on the site of extremist, pornographic or other material that affects and / or infringes the honor, dignity and / or business reputation of third parties. violate generally accepted norms of morality, as well as place advertising information without the permission of the online store.


5. Ordering procedure

5.1. The Buyer places an Order on the Site independently, by adding the selected Goods to the virtual basket and clicking the "Place Order" button.

5.2. Both Registered Buyers and anonymous users can place Orders for Goods.


6. Payment procedure

6.1. The Buyer purchases the Goods specified in the order placed on the Site, and also pays for the services of the Online Store on the terms agreed by the parties in the Buyer's order confirmed by the Online Store:

- On the terms of prepayment to the account of the online store specified in the order;

- At the time of receipt of the Goods in the courier service.

6.2. The total cost of the Order, which includes the full cost of the Goods and services of the Online Store, is equal to the amount payable and is indicated on the Site at the time of registration and at the time of placing the Order.


7. Terms of return.

7.1 Return and exchange of other goods to end consumers, which are not included in the list, is carried out in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine.


8. Confidentiality and protection of personal data

8.1. When registering on the Site, the Buyer leaves the personal and contact details specified in clause 4.3. of this agreement, but are not limited to it.

8.2. By providing his personal data on the Site during registration or ordering, the Buyer gives his voluntary consent to the processing and use (including transfer) of his personal data without limitation of such consent in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" from 01.06. 2010

8.3. The online store uses the received personal data to provide the services specified in this agreement, to promote the services provided by the online store, including through automated processing of personal data.

8.4. The online store undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Buyer. It is not considered a violation to provide information by the Online Store to agents and third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with the Online Store, including to fulfill obligations to the Buyer, as well as in cases where disclosure of such information is required by law.

8.5. If the Buyer does not want the online store to continue processing personal data, the Buyer must apply to the support service. In this case, the Buyer will not be able to continue to use the services of the Online Store.

8.6. The buyer is responsible for keeping his personal data up to date. The online store is not responsible for poor performance of its obligations in connection with the irrelevance of information about the Buyer or inconsistency with its validity.


9. Information messages

9.1. By registering on the Site, the Buyer consents to the Online Store to receive informational messages from the Online Store and its partners, acting on the basis of an agreement with the Online Store, through a short message service ( SMS ) and e-mail.

9.2. At any time, the Buyer has the right to refuse to receive such a mailing by changing the appropriate settings in the Personal Account.


10. Rules for the use of materials posted on the Site

10.1. The Site contains materials, trademarks, trade names and other legally protected materials, including, but not limited to, texts, photographs, graphics, music and sound. 

10.2. All content of the Site is protected by the legislation of Ukraine.

10.3. The Buyer has no right to use the materials posted on the Site, such as: make changes, publish, transfer to third parties, participate in the sale or assignment, create secondary documents, etc.


11. Other conditions

11.1. This agreement is concluded on the territory of Ukraine and is subject to the substantive law of Ukraine.

11.2. The invalidity of any clause or part of this agreement does not invalidate the agreement as a whole.

11.3. All disputes that arise between the Buyer and the online store are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to resolve the dispute, the Buyer or the Online Store may apply to the courts in accordance with applicable law.

11.4. The online store has the right to make changes to the text of this agreement at its discretion at any time and without prior notice to Buyers. The current (current) version of the agreement is always available on the Site.



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